Old Moat Primary School

Latest posts

16 Jul

Year 5 | Trip to Manchester Museum!

by Miss Kenwell

Today Year 5 went on a visit to Manchester Museum.  First we explored the Ancient Egyptian section (linked to our history topic) where we saw a range of different artefacts including a real mummified person! Then we went to the new 'WILD' exhibit (linked to our RE lessons) where the children explored their relationships with the natural world and looked at how people across the globe are creating and repairing connections with nature.

We also explored the 'Living Things' section where the children learned about animal skeletons and got to see some living frogs and lizards.  Finally, we went down to the 'Fossils' exhibition where we learned about dinosaurs and met Stan the T-Rex.

Have a look at our pictures to see some of our favourite finds!

12 Jul

Extra Curricular | Art Exhibition Summer 2024

by Ms Kanes

Look at some of the amazing art work from our pupils that was showcased in an art exhibition extravaganza yesterday afterschool.

We also had some art work donated by local artists, as well as, some signed pieces by singer Kim Carroll and author Kimberly Whittam, that we raffled off for our pupils and families to win!

03 Jul

Nursery | Sports Day 2024

by Ms Kanes

Well done to all our nursery children who took part in their first sports day!

Thank you to all our parents and careers who came to watch!

28 Jun

Extra Curricular | Big Sing!

by Miss Kenwell

Today the children in choir club travelled on the tram to Bridgewater Hall to take part in thier Country music celebration.  We sang along with a live band and hundreds of other children from schools all over Manchester!

28 Jun

Nursery | Our trip to Old Moat Park

by Ms Kanes

Nursery had a fun filled day of learning at Old Moat Park. We walked there and back. We explored our local area and got to practice our gross motor skills at the park by climbing, swinging, sliding, pushing, and balancing. We also had a teddy bears picnic. It was delicious!

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