Year One Homework

by Miss Bennett and Mrs Cain

Please complete the work at home and post us a comment on the blog or you can email a picture of the work.

Miss Bennett, Mrs Cain and Mrs Chatterton

1CC - 

1SB - 


Phonics Homework

The children have all been working hard in phonics lesson this half term.

We would like them to have a practise at home using games on the phonics play website.

We would like them to practise the phase 3 sound au


Numeracy Homework

We would like the children to continue to practise number bonds to 20. This is knowing the different ways of making 10 without having to use any addition methods. i.e. 1+9, 2+8, 3+7

We learnt 2D shapes last term. Use this memory game to practise naming shapes. How many shapes can you remember in one go? 

Literacy Homework

This week in school we have been learning about meerkats.

Over the weekend watch the video and see if you can draw a penguin.

Challenge: can you remember any of our meerkat facts to share with your family.


We would love to see you pictures when they are finished.

Miss Bennett and Mrs Cain