We expect children to wear uniform to school as we believe it promotes a sense of belonging.
School Uniform
Children may wear:
Black or grey trousers or a black or grey skirt/pinafore.
White polo shirt and a red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan.
In the warmer months, children may wear a red, checked summer school dress.
PE Kit:
Plain white t-shirt and plain black shorts or leggings for gymnastics. A leotard can also be worn with leggings.
Trainers, jogging bottoms and a t-shirt for outdoor games.
P.E kit should be left in school on your child’s peg and will be sent home for washing. The only jewellery allowed is small studs for pierced ears. Any other earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets could be a safety risk and children will be asked to remove them.
Children are required to wear uniform to school every day, changing into PE kit once they are in school on days when they have PE.
School Uniform can be purchased from the main supermarkets and uniform does not have to be branded.
Where parents would like to purchase branded jumpers, cardigans or polo shirts, these can be obtained from MCS Stores.
Pre -Loved Clothing/Lost Property
As a school we try to support parents where possible with sourcing uniform. Each term we recycle any unnamed lost property and distribute these to the whole school. Our Inclusion team are also able to refer parents to Woodstreet Mission for uniform support. If you require help with the purchasing of uniform please speak to Mrs Walsh or Mrs Wilkinson.