Wrap-around Care and Clubs

At Old Moat we have a rich after-school and lunchtime club offer to enrich the children's learning and life experiences.  Every teacher offers a club at some point throughout the year, with a mix of subjects and activities available.  

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club opens at 8am and offers great value for money at £1 per child, which needs to be paid on ParentPay.  Breakfast is included in this and there are play and sporting activities on offer.  Please ask at the office if you have any questions about Breakfast Club or email sdunworth@oldmoat.manchester.sch.uk

After-school Care Provision through Community-Minded

Community-Minded provide after school club provision for pupils from Old Moat Primary on a paid basis. Places can be booked via 0161 434 9225 or via email at oldmoatchildcare@gmail.com 

Creactive Club run by Mr Seisay

Creactive Club is run by our Sports Coach, Mr Seisay.  Together with our Learning Support Assistant, Miss Harrison, who is a qualified gym coach, and FA-qualified football coach Jamie Young, Mr Seisay's Creactive Club offers football and gym sessions for children in Y1-6 of all abilities.

Wednesday 3.30-4.30 Football

Friday 3.30-4.30 Gym

To book a space on either Creactive Club night, gym or football, please message Mr Seisay on 07392 819685 or email on creactive-ltd@outlook.com

Spaces must be booked for a full term, paid in advance.  Payment for the full term must be made by the second session in order to secure a place.

Green Heroes

Our popular Green Heroes club has been running for many years.  Children have the opportunity to learn how to protect our environment and get involved in all sorts of eco-projects:  gardening, making eco-bricks, recycling, to name just a few.


We have a choir running throughout the year.  It is open to children from Years 4-6 who are prepared to commit to regular rehearsals and the occasional performance.

We also have a number of free enrichment clubs that are delivered by members of staff.  These might run on a half-termly basis or for longer.  Your child will come home with a letter inviting them to join if they are eligible but demand is high and we don't have spaces for everyone, so it's on a first come first served basis.  Here are some examples of the kind of clubs on offer:

Board Games, Football, Jigsaw, Young Carers, Cricket, Painting, Dance Fit, Science, Debating and Computing.



"The interesting range of activities offered by the school makes an outstanding contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development."