Young Carers Support in School
A young carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps look after a loved one who has a condition, such as a disability, illness, mental health condition, or a drug or alcohol problem.
Most young carers look after one of their parents or care for a brother or sister - but it could be that they are caring for someone outside of their family home. This might involve extra jobs in and around the home, such as cooking, cleaning, or helping someone to get dressed and move around.
Some children give a lot of physical help to a brother, sister or parent who is disabled or ill. They may also be giving emotional support to both sibling and parents.
At Old Moat we recognise all of our young carers and hold a weekly group for them all to attend if they choose, this is an opportunity for them to spend time out of the home and meet other young children who also have a caring responsibility. This group runs on a Thursday afternoon 3.30pm-4.30pm and is ran by our Family Support Workers Mrs Walsh and Mrs Wilkinson, please see the attached letter.
The group also attend local trips with other Young carers in the Community and also in 2024 our school achieved the Young Carers in School award ,Mrs Walsh won the Young Carer of the Year Champion 2023 award and one of our young children was awarded runner up prize in 2024 for the Young carer of the year award.
There are regular network meetings where our Family Support Workers attend to share and gain any good ideas for good practice used in other schools to support the children.
Check out our noticeboard in the foyer.